Thursday 22 April 2010

The Prelimary Film

We completely our preliminary task in order to get a feel of the technology used in Media Studies and at the precision everything should be set. This was from where the chairs should be to how the door should be shut. Our original plan was to film it outside, however, although it had many interesting and thought-provoking shots, it lacked in real dialogue which was something the Prelim needed. Also, we had certain problems with lighting and sound due to the Sun and the wind. So, for our second attempt, we filmed it in the room next to the Media classroom with stairs leading down from it. In here we could change the lighting to what we saw fit and easily change the noise levels. The main camera angle we used was the ‘Over the Shoulder’ shot, meaning we had to run the scene twice. This didn’t bother us though because this camera shot was so easy to do, yet so effective.

Daniel Elliot was in charge of the recording, although it was a group effort to choose the camera shots. Joshua Baker played the employee while I played the employer.

Here is our script – JB = Joshua Baker, EG = Edward Green

EG: So you're here for the interview then?

JB: Yeah.

EG: You're late, why?

JB: My bus was late.

EG: Hmm ok, what qualifications do you have?

JB: I've got a diploma in something.

EG: Something.

JB: Yeah, I've got some GCSE's, something like that.

EG: Something, something like that, right that's not what we're looking for, get out. This is over.

JB: Fine

Here is our Preliminary Film -

And here is our Storyboard -