Friday 22 January 2010


'La Muerte De La Viuda - The Widow's Death' is a tragic horror story based on a young woman, who's life is taken from her. This sequence happens at the beginning where we as the audience wittness the murder at a local church. This happens on the 19th of June, 1843.

The rest of the film is set before this event - leading up to the finish, explaining why this woman was brutally murdered by this savage man in the 19th Century thriller. The film will contain two main characters, a lone Detective and a schizophrenic widow, played by Robert Downey Jr. due to his recent success with the new Sherlock Holmes movie and the new actress, Alice Mckenna. We picked these actors because I believe they have a lot of hidden potenial when it comes to a thriller/detective story.
After the murder at the beginning, it brings us back to a quiet household with a young woman making dinner for herself. There is a knock on the door and she answers it - but no one is there. The story goes on and the lone woman gets brutally murdered by a mystery man, with the audience not knowing who the murderer is. However, the audience suspect it is the same man as the murderer in the beginning sequence.
Throughout the film the audience see certain murders by the same mysterious man and have the detective follow his every move, eager to find out who the man really is. The audience will also view more flashbacks of the widow's life while her husband was still alive, leading to where it all went wrong.
Towards the end, the audience find out that the murderer is in fact the widow's husband and this eventually leads to the clip at the beginning, of the widow's death. The film then resets to the current time line having all of it been set before the murder at the beginning. The rest if the film is the final confrontation between the detective and the brutal killer with the killer being arrested and hung.

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